Assess Your Workplace with Our Bully Barometer

It's often difficult to recognize the signs of workplace bullying until the problem has escalated. That's why we've created the Bully Barometer, a simple yet effective tool designed to help you assess the level of bullying risk in your organization.
Why Take The Bully Barometer Survey?
The Bully Barometer survey is a quick, confidential way to evaluate your workplace's environment. The results can provide valuable insights, helping you to:
  • Identify potential problem areas
    Uncover hidden issues that might be affecting employee morale and productivity.
  • Benchmark your organization
    See how your workplace compares to industry standards when it comes to bullying.
  • Start a conversation
    Use the results as a conversation starter about workplace culture and respect.
How Does It Work?
Simply answer a series of questions about your workplace. Upon completion, you'll receive a personalized report that highlights possible areas of concern and suggests potential strategies for improvement.