Bystander Education: Take a Stand Against Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying doesn't just affect the targets; it affects everyone in the organization, including bystanders. Witnessing bullying can be distressing and confusing. Do you feel powerless or unsure about how to respond? At the American Workplace Advocacy Center, we believe that bystanders can play a crucial role in combating workplace bullying. However, we understand that many bystanders struggle to take action due to the fear of repercussions and the stressful culture of bullying.

The Role of Bystanders

Bystanders often find themselves caught in a challenging position. They may witness bullying but feel powerless to intervene or worry about becoming targets themselves. Additionally, some may unknowingly contribute to the bullying culture. Our bystander education program addresses these complexities and provides practical tools to help you make a positive impact.

How We Help

Our bystander education program empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to intervene effectively in bullying situations. We aim to transform silent observers into active advocates for a respectful and supportive work environment. Through our program, you'll learn how to:
  • Recognize Bullying Behaviors:

    Identify the subtle and overt signs of bullying in the workplace.
  • Understand the Impact:

    Learn about the effects of bullying on targets, bystanders, and the workplace culture.
  • Overcome Fear and Inaction:

    Address the fears and barriers that prevent you from intervening.
  • Intervene Effectively:

    Gain strategies to safely and effectively address bullying when you see it.
  • Support Discreetly:

    Learn how to be a supportive partner to the target without drawing attention to yourself.
  • Promote a Culture of Respect:

    Help foster a culture of respect and support in your workplace.
Ready to Make a Difference?
Don't let workplace bullying go unchallenged. Stand up, speak out, and make a difference. Click on the link below to learn more about our bystander education program. Take the first step towards creating a safer, healthier work environment today.
Caucasian woman standing with hands out with screen behind which says stop bully culture